Hardware independent and operating system independent using the latest technology from OpenPro.com
OpenPro – First in the industry to be web-based
Since 1998, OpenPro is the first fully web-based application in the industry. OpenPro has the experience and knowledge to get the system running for you quickly. We are the first to say “ERP system in a Day”. Because of our history, we have one of the most powerful web-based applications today.
OpenPro – Quality focused on the solution
Since its inception, OpenPro has been dedicated to producing technologically superior business software solutions and backing them with the finest implementation techniques and first class service.
OpenPro – Designed to run on the web
First (since 1998) and the best, most versatile ERP system designed to run on the Web. OpenPro performs exceptionally well as a web-based product because it was designed to be web-based since its inception. Access your data from anywhere, securely.
OpenPro – Have the system your way
You choose the following:
- Database
- Hardware Platform
- Operating System that runs on the hardware platform
Do you want Source code or object? It’s your choice.
The packages you want to use are broken down by modules (Accounting, Inventory, etc.).
How many users do you need?
What clients do you want to run our product on? (OpenPro will run on any client platform just using a browser, Apple Mac, Windows, Linux, Windows CE, Palm Pilot, Cell phones, etc.)
Do you want to purchase the product and run in house or rent the product monthly on an ASP basis?
OpenPro – Open database options
With the open database design, OpenPro runs on all industry standard SQL database engines (MySQL, MicroSoft MSSQL, ORACLE, IBM DB2). OpenPro partners with each of these database systems to develop a very robust ERP application.
MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database.
MicroSoft SQL Server database is very popular for Windows servers.
Oracle database an industry standard that is now available for an entry user price.
IBM’s DB2 database software is full-featured, robust, scalable and easy to use. As the market share leader, DB2 provides the foundation of information on demand on Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms. DB2 is specially designed and priced to meet your business needs, whether large or small.

OpenPro – Operating systems options
Commerce Server, Enterprise Servers run on all the most popular operating systems that use either Apache or IIS web servers.
OpenPro runs on the world’s most popular hardware and operating systems platforms: (Windows All, Unix, Linux, SUN Solaris, IBM AIX, OS400, MVS, Hewlett Packard HP-UX, MAC)
OpenPro partners with these hardware and operating system vendors to build a strong system that runs today’s applications.
Apache is the most popular web server in the world.
IIS is Microsoft’s Information Internet Services web server.

OpenPro has an implementation schedule delivering the industry’s fastest and least expensive transition available.
Our strategy of constant innovation has led to the development of products that are acknowledged by our customers and industry peers as best-of-breed solutions. We can provide you with the innovative products and services you need to succeed, not only today, but well into the future.